Join us as we explore the six major habitats that make up our Ecosystem: Temperate & Tropical Rainforests, Grasslands, Deserts, Tundra, Freshwater, and Marine. Today we'll discuss the Freshwater System.
Freshwater ecosystems are a subset of Earth's aquatic ecosystems. They include lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, springs, bogs, and wetlands. There are over 700 different species of fish that live in a freshwater biome. 99% of all freshwater is either in the form of ice or located in an aquifer.
Largemouth bass fish lives mainly in lakes and rivers. The optimal habitat for this species includes slow-moving, quiet, clear waters with soft, shallow substrates.
Freshwater ecosystems, such as wetlands and rivers provide crucial regulating services, such as water purification, flood mitigation, and the treatment of human and industrial wastes.
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